Drew Burgess


Eastern Ontario

Drew has more than 5 years of experience growing BMO Global Asset Management’s award-winning suite of Mutual Funds and ETFs. Known for his forward-looking strategic and consultative approach, in collaboration with an expert team of portfolio managers, Drew’s primary focus is on building value-added, customized solutions for Advisors and their clients, including investment analysis, market insights, trade ideas, fixed income, and foreign exchange. Prior to joining BMO, he was a member of an Advisor team providing discretionary investment services. Drew has taken several industry courses with the Canadian Securities Institute and holds a BA Specialization in Economics from the University of Western Ontario.

Specialist Toolkit

ETF Roadmap
Largest and Most Liquid ETFs
What’s Trending & BMO ETF Performance
BMO ETF 2024 Industry Outlook
Covered Call, Derivatives & Volatility Report
FAQ – What to Expect During Tax Season
BMO’s “Five Lenses” Strategy: The BMO GAM House View
ESG ETF Resources
Responsible Investment 2021 Annual Report
Understanding BMO ESG ETFs
ESG ETF Due Diligence Checklist
BMO ESG ETFs – Solutions for investor looking to align their investments with their values
BMO ETFs Proxy Voting Dashboard
BMO Proxy Voting Search
Responsible Investing: Creating a Sustainable Advantage for Your Practice
MSCI ESG Leaders Methodology
MSCI ESG Ratings Methodology
MSCI Ratings on Individual Stocks
MSCI ESG Index Comparison
Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century