Mark Webster

Director, Institutional & Advisory ETF Distribution

Western Canada

Mark is responsible for BMO ETF initiatives in Western Canada, working with asset owners, asset managers and investment counsellors. With over 30 years of experience in the financial services industry, Mark has covered many diverse forms of financial risk. He began his career as a professional indemnity broker, becoming a vice president, conducting risk analysis for the Big 8 global accounting firms, as well as some of the top U.S. law firms. In addition to having worked with two asset management firms, Mark has worked in the pension industry with Standard Life and with Canada Trust, covering both Eastern & Western Canada. 

Mark holds a Master’s degree in Russian History from McGill University and several industry accreditations.

Specialist Toolkit

ETF Roadmap
ETF Due Diligence Checklist
BMO ETFs Quick Reference Guide: Largest and Most Liquid ETFs
BMO ETF 2024 Industry Outlook
Understanding ETFs 1 – The Basics
Understanding ETFs 2 – The BMO ETF Platform
Understanding ETFs 3 – BMO ETF Based Mutual Funds
Global Equity ETF Breakdown
Canadian Equity ETF Breakdown
U.S. Equity ETF Breakdown
Canadian Fixed Income ETF Breakdown
Smart Investing With A Factor-Based Approach
Fixing Your Bond Portfolio
Conversions - Exchanging Individual Bonds & Rate Reset Preferred Shares for BMO ETFs
Institutional Fixed Income Report
ESG ETF Resources
Responsible Investment Annual Report
Understanding BMO ESG ETFs
ESG ETF Due Diligence Checklist
BMO ESG ETFs – Solutions for investor looking to align their investments with their values
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Responsible Investing: Creating a Sustainable Advantage for Your Practice
MSCI ESG Leaders Methodology
MSCI ESG Ratings Methodology
MSCI Ratings on Individual Stocks
MSCI ESG Index Comparison
Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century